Heavy Equiptment Operator Technician (AET):
The AET program is designed for students to attend full-time starting in the Fall and finish up in the Spring. Starting in Spring would mean attending for three semesters instead of two. Three of the courses we offer in the Spring have prerequisite courses that are only offered in the Fall. You can see how it’s planned here: Butte College Curriculum Catalog (curriqunet.com).
Law EnforcementAcademy: http://4tvg.storesoo.com/departments/careertech/publicsafety/law_enforcement.html
Firefighter I Academy: http://4tvg.storesoo.com/departments/careertech/publicsafety/fire_academy.html
Fish and WildlifeAcademy: http://4tvg.storesoo.com/departments/careertech/publicsafety/fish_game.html
State Parks Law EnforcementAcademy: http://4tvg.storesoo.com/departments/careertech/publicsafety/state-park-ranger.html
Automotive: http://4tvg.storesoo.com/automotive/
Automotive Course Flow: http://4tvg.storesoo.com/departments/careertech/automotive/programs_CORE.html
Welding: http://4tvg.storesoo.com/departments/careertech/welding/weldingapplication.html
Respiratory Care program: http://4tvg.storesoo.com/departments/careertech/healthoccupations/
Registered Nursing: http://4tvg.storesoo.com/departments/careertech/healthoccupations/nursing/rn.html
LVN: http://4tvg.storesoo.com/departments/careertech/healthoccupations/nursing/lvn.html
LVN to RN: http://4tvg.storesoo.com/departments/careertech/healthoccupations/nursing/lvnrn.html
CNA: http://programs.storesoo.com/ProgramInfo/10/2183
Non-Discrimination Statement: Butte-Glenn Community College District does not permit discrimination or harassment in its programs or activities as stated in our Non-Discrimination Statement available at http://4tvg.storesoo.com/sa/
Monday - Thursday: 7:45 am - 5 pm
Friday: 8 am - 12 pm
Office Location:
Main Campus - Student Administrative Services, Room 134 (SAS 134)
Office Number: (530) 895-2378
Monday - Thursday: 8 am - 4:30 pm
Friday: 8 am - 11:30 am
Para servicio en Español, haga su cita con Julio Delgado, Melissa Melendrez y Melina Torres.
For services in Khmer please request an appointment with Serey Vann.
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